Issue date: 19 Sep, 2019

La Generación del 2000


La Generación del 2000



The first decade of the 21st century and of the third millennium was clearly marked by the fight against terrorism. The 2001 attacks in New York, and the 2004 attacks in Madrid, horrified the world.

For this reason, one of the stamps issued in this new mini sheet commemorates the day of the Madrid attack, 11 March 2004, a date seared into the memory of every Spaniard. During the morning commute, several local trains were bombed, killing 193 people. The stamp shows the date, “11M”, decorated with flowers, birds and musical notes to symbolise remembrance and hope, as well as the feeling of solidarity which began that day in Madrid.

Technology and science made great strides during this decade. Social networks, Internet search engines, the appearance of the first iPod and the first stem cell transplant are just a few examples of the scientific revolution.

Another of the stamps commemorating the decade is dedicated to the sequencing of the human genome, which marked the start of research into many different diseases, and the search for cures. The stamp depicts the genetic sequence in homage to this breakthrough.

Great political and economic changes took place around the world. Putin became President of Russia, and for the first time in its history the United States elected a Black man as President. In 2004 the European Union was expanded, and its new Constitution was formalised. This was accompanied by the introduction of the euro, and in the case of Spain, the disappearance of the peseta.

The last stamp marks the launch of the euro, with a 1-euro coin as a symbol of this important change.

The mini sheet, die-cut in the shape of the number 00, includes a text mentioning other major events of the decade, following the design of earlier mini sheets commemorating other decades, beginning with the 1950s, with the most important milestones chosen by Philately subscribers.