Issue date: 04 Apr, 2019

Tradiciones y Costumbres. Semana Santa


Tradiciones y Costumbres. Semana Santa



Correos will be depicting four ways of celebrating Easter in Spain. This April, towns all over Spain will be filled with flowers, trumpets and tambourines and the characteristic scent of spring mixed with incense.

Correos is issuing a drum-shaped fold-out booklet of four new stamps featuring Easter celebrations in Albacete, Azuaga, Balmaseda and Medina de Rioseco.

Albacete, province of Albacete: an image of Our Lady of Sorrows is the main motif of the stamp honouring Holy Week in Albacete. The Virgin Mother, with a pained facial expression, holds the lifeless body of Christ in her arms after his descent from the cross. From Good Friday to Easter Sunday, the streets of the city are filled with art and tradition. Sweets also feature heavily and are handed out by nazarenos during processions.

Azuaga, Badajoz province: during Holy Week, popular fervour takes over the streets of this town in Extremadura. One of the main events is the procession of the Cristo del Humilladero on the night of Holy Thursday, accompanied by many devotees who walk in silence alongside the image of Christ. It is this image that is featured on the stamp alongside the town’s shield.

Balmaseda, Biscay province: the Living Passion of Balmaseda attracts hundreds of people who come to enjoy this recreation of the final hours of Jesus’ life. The Passion has been performed since the end of the 19th century and has evolved over the years with new stages and characters, making it even more realistic and poignant. The inhabitants of Balmaseda prepare painstakingly for their roles, which they perform with pride. The stamp depicts a scene from the play with Jesus, accompanied by a solider, carrying the cross uphill.

Medina de Rioseco, Valladolid province: In Spain, Valladolid is synonymous with Easter. An example of this is the town of Medina de Rioseco. Easter in this former domain of the Admirals of Castile is a magical experience. Declared a Celebration of International Tourist Interest, it originates in the creation of the Cofradía de la Vera Cruz (Brotherhood of the True Cross) in the 16th century. Deep devotion, ancient religious images and an unforgettable atmosphere are what makes Easter in Medina de Rioseco so unique. The stamp depicts a scene from the procession of the Christ of the Passion.