Issue date: 18 Mar, 2020

25 aniversario FACE


25 aniversario FACE



Coeliac disease is a multi-system autoimmune disorder caused by gluten and other related prolamins in individuals that are genetically prone to the disease.

This is the Spanish Federation of Coeliac Associations' definition of a disorder which affects one per cent of the population in Europe.

This Federation was established with one primary objective: to coordinate the efforts and work of the different associations of those affected by the illness, to defend their rights and accomplish common goals.

It’s now been 25 years since it was founded. That is, 25 years providing advice to patients who have recently been diagnosed with the disease, providing them with nutrition counselling and treatment when necessary - providing them with guidance on what to put on the shopping list, how their diets ought to be when travelling, and also how to interpret a list of ingredients.

The Spanish Federation of Coeliac Associations actively helps people suffering from the disease, along with their families and people close to them. Throughout the year, they offer workshops, courses and other educational activities to help people cope with the disease, such as cooking classes for children with coeliac.

Until fairly recently, supermarkets failed to account for those people suffering from coeliac disease. Nowadays, thanks to these types of federative initiatives, there are more aisles dedicated to gluten-free products in such establishments. Though it goes without saying that your shopping basket will be a lot more expensive with these items.

Correos wishes to raise awareness of this organisation by dedicating a stamp to the federation for its 25th anniversary. The stamp features an illustration of a doctor who is putting her hand in the way of a wheat branch, a cereal grain which usually represents the presence of gluten.

Rounding off the stamp design is the federation’s logo, using its corporate colours.