Issue date: 18 Mar, 2020

90 aniv. de la FRATERNIDAD-MUPRESPA (1929-2019)


90 aniv. de la FRATERNIDAD-MUPRESPA (1929-2019)


ANNIVERSARIES. 90th Anniversary Fraternidad-Muprespa

Fraternidad-Muprespa, Social Security Mutual Society Partner number 275, celebrated its 90th anniversary last year in an event that allowed it to contemplate its trajectory over the years. It managed to combine moments of strong expansion and development with other more complex ones, ultimately becoming the third largest mutual in its sector in terms of volume of contributions.

It dates back to 1929, when Escolástico Zaldívar Aguarón and his wife, Rafaela Otal Pló, founded "La Fraternidad", establishing its headquarters in their own house in Bilbao. Starting off with a family structure, the entity began developing in the 1960s, extending its reach to the main Spanish cities. Throughout the following decade it boosted its growth with the opening of new delegations and care and prevention centres in Barcelona, Zaragoza, Bilbao, Cáceres and Córdoba, culminating in the inauguration of the Centro Hospitalario del Paseo de La Habana in Madrid in 1973.

In the 1980s, the company consolidated its expansion with the absorption of 14 mutuals, some of which had a strong local presence, and led a period of academic and scientific training by holding numerous symposia and conferences.

On 31 December 1998, La Fraternidad merged with Muprespa-Mupag.

Fraternidad-Muprespa currently has a healthcare network made up of 122 of its own centres, more than 900 affiliated centres and a workforce of more than two thousand employees. It has 123,000 affiliated companies and provides coverage to more than one million workers.

In 2019, the new Fraternidad-Muprespa Habana Hospital was opened in Madrid, equipped with the most advanced technological and diagnostic resources. It is one of the reference centres for traumatology in the mutual insurance sector and is also the only European hospital to hold the Integral LEED for Healthcare environmental sustainability certificate in its Platinum category, the highest category awarded.