Issue date: 04 Feb, 2020

Capital Española de la Gastronomía 2020. Murcia


Capital Española de la Gastronomía 2020. Murcia



Murcia’s farms are the stars of this stamp, which is brimming with colour and vitality. “The garden of the 1001 tastes” is the slogan under which Murcia has claimed this honour, taking over from Almeria, which was last year’s culinary capital. This is the driving force for the series of Spanish Culinary Capital stamps that Correos has been issuing for many years.

With these stamps, Correos highlights the gastronomy of the Spanish cities that enthusiastically present their candidacy and their best features to be honoured with this title every year.

In 2020, Murcia will host a range of activities related to food and drink, including workshops, competitions and tastings, which will make it a very attractive tourist destination.

The jury chose this area because of some of the dishes in its culinary repertoire, such as zarangollo (scrambled eggs with vegetables), roast lamb, michirones (fava bean stew), Murcian salad and paparajote (lemon-flavoured fritters), and its local denominations of origin, including Yecla wines, Calasparra rice and Jumilla pears.

The stamp features a design highlighting fruit and vegetables. The Murcia region is known as the “garden of Europe” because of the huge volume of exports of these products to most European countries.

Tomatoes, grapes, cabbages and carrots are the stars of this area, which produces some 3 billion euros of produce every year.

These products fill the stamp with colour, with the main design featuring a spoon and fork entwined in the shape of a heart.

The slogan “The garden of the 1001 tastes” completes the design of a stamp that joins a series that has previously featured cities such as Toledo, Huelva and Leon. These images travel the world, providing a little shop window for Spain’s fantastic culinary traditions, in this case, that of Murcia.