Issue date: 14 May, 2020

Día Mundial de concienciación sobre el Autismo


Día Mundial de concienciación sobre el Autismo



Autism is a permanent neurological condition that is evident from early childhood, regardless of gender, race and social or economic conditions.

The stigmatisation and discrimination associated with diversity in neurology remain the main obstacles to diagnosis and treatment.

That is why it is really important to dedicate a day to raising awareness of this condition and therefore improving general knowledge about it.

In order to achieve this, the United Nations General Assembly declared World Autism Awareness Day as 2 April.

Throughout its history, the United Nations has been committed to increasing visibility of diversity and promoting respect of the rights and wellbeing of people with disabilities.

This year, World Autism Awareness Day will focus on encouraging the use of technology to support people with autism and help them better integrate in society, breaking down barriers that may hinder this.

Through access to technology, people on the autistic spectrum have great support for developing aspects that are important in their daily lives, as well as becoming involved and participating in their community.

Although technology continues advancing at a great speed, there remain many difficulties for these people to access this support technology, either due to the high cost, lack of availability or lack of training regarding their use.

Therefore, in order to raise awareness of all these aspects, Correos is issuing a stamp with an illustrative design based on the official campaign of this commemoration, where training can help autistic people work in any field or professional activity.