Issue date: 13 Sep, 2020

Efemérides. Congreso Mundial de Farmacia. Sevilla 2021


Efemérides. Congreso Mundial de Farmacia. Sevilla 2021



2020 is a year of uncertainty in all of our lives because of COVID-19. The virus has also affected philately, the issue of stamps. On this occasion, because the organisers behind the World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences that was scheduled for September 2020 have been forced to postpone the event until 2021. Between 12 and 16 September 2021, Seville will host both the world and national congress and attract more than 5,000 attendees from over 100 countries.

The President of the International Pharmaceutical Federation, Dominique Jordan, said “the pandemic has highlighted how important it is for pharmacists around the world to share knowledge and experiences. I greatly look forward to 2021 when we can all gather in Seville to continue advancing our profession and its contribution to the world of health”.

The Seville Conference and Exhibition Centre (FIBES II) will be the venue for the congress, where plenty of interesting content will await those who attend various professional acts and events.

Medicamenta non mella:‘medicines are not honey’, a phrase attributed to Pliny the Elder and used as the slogan for the Spanish Royal Academy of Pharmacy, defines the work and passion of pharmacists since time immemorial: discovering everything there is to know about medicines in order to guarantee their correct manufacture, storage and dispensation.

A pharmacist is a genuinespecialist in medicineand is engaged in numerous fields of activity. In this regard,our pharmacies have become basic healthcare centres where people go to ask about their health.

Besides this work, pharmacists also busy themselves with research and teaching, looking after public health and health scares, the the dispensation of medicines at hospitals (hospital pharmacy), the distribution of medicines and conducting analytical tests.

Nowadays, with over 70,000 officially recognised pharmacists in Spain, we want to highlight their work on the health scare caused by COVID-19 because they represent a key sector for the population.

The stamp is presented in sheets of 25 stamps with a light green background showing the tower of the Cathedral of Seville and the Giraldillo statue at the top, an image that also appears on the stamp. This stamp comes in the shape of a green cross, the typical icon for pharmacies and the logo of the official association of pharmacists.