Issue date: 19 Mar, 2020

Patrimonio mundial. Arquitectura mudéjar de Aragón


Patrimonio mundial. Arquitectura mudéjar de Aragón



The Torre de El Salvador in Teruel is the main feature of this year's mini sheet issued by Correos as part of the World Heritage series. This same motif appears on the coin which will be put in circulation this year, and it is precisely this that will feature on the World Heritage stamp 2020.

The coexistence of the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish cultures in the Iberian peninsula gave rise to the so-called Mudejar style.

This particular Aragonese Mudejar style presents a variety of characteristics that distance it from other territories such as Castilla or Andalusia, where numerous expressions of this style also exist.

The use of materials such as brick, plaster and ceramics, considered to have less economic value, joined to other more sophisticated materials used for ornamental motifs resulted in a new and unique expression of plastic, leaving behind such impressive constructions as the one represented in this stamp.

This beautiful tower belonging to the Iglesia de San Salvador de los Reyes was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986.

The central column of the tower copies the same design as the Almohad minarets based on two towers, one wrapping around the other, with the walls of the interior tower made from gypsum plaster.

The ceramic tiles applied to the exterior continue the formal trend set by the Torre de San Martín, albeit with a greater variety of pieces and in smaller sizes. The ceramic tiles were coloured green using copper oxide and white using tin glaze, and then subsequently lead glazed to provide a broad range of shapes: square and rhomboid tiles, plates and discs, chevrons, columns and eight-pointed stars.

For another year running, Correos is issuing a stamp in a beautiful mini sheet which sets out to show the world those monuments and parts of Spain that have the honour of holding the title of World Heritage site.

The stamps, and in this case, also coins, have the ability to travel the world and serve as a showcase for the country that issues them and puts them in circulation.