Issue date: 04 Nov, 2020

Valores cívicos. No a la violencia de género


Valores cívicos. No a la violencia de género



One of the fundamental pillars for a well-functioning society is the adherence to a set of principles that all citizens should obey, respect and share.

These principles are what we know as civic values; Correos dedicates a stamp to civic values every year in order to sensitise and raise awareness among the population.

This year said stamp is dedicated to gender violence.

NO. A NO written in capital letters is what this issue aims to emphasise. Gender violence is one of the greatest scourges of our society.

Since 2003—the year in which fatal gender-based offences began to be accounted for—more than one thousand women have been killed for merely being women.

This dramatic governmental recording of cases began in 2003 using data provided by the Spanish Women’s Institute. This was the first rigorous data collected using a proper data collection system, allowing for an official report to be issued from then onwards.

Until then this data had been recorded for many years by associations for women’s rights and affairs with the assistance of the media.

However, there are a lot more victims than these numbers, there were a lot more before this date and now we must prevent there becoming many more in the future.

We would like to remind you that there is a telephone number you can ring if you or anyone you know is suffering from any kind of abuse. This number (016) is totally anonymous; it does not leave a record on your phone bills and it is deleted automatically from your call list on most mobile devices.

The stamp dedicated to saying NO to and speaking out against gender violence features an illustration where the silhouettes of women can be seen, representing women of all age and race.

A white hand meaning ENOUGH reminds us that our society no longer wants to suffer from these acts.