Issue date: 26 Feb, 2021

Disello VII. 1st Prize in the Youth Category


Disello VII. 1st Prize in the Youth Category



For the seventh year in a row, Correos has organised the National Stamp Design Competition. Held in 2020, a year unlike any other, it attracted 1,767 participants. 

In 2020 the designs had a central theme of “a stamp for climate”, with the artistic discourse focusing on the subject of the environment, climate change, and our participation in the world around us.

Design always calls on the imagination, but even more so in the case of stamps, where so much information has to be concentrated in such a small space (8 square cm); a difficult task which the participants handled with aplomb, given the quality of the works presented.

From a long-list of 80 works, 40 in each category, the panel decided on the winners of the 7th National Stamp Design Competition 2020:

1st Prize in the general category: Bárbara Llinares Mira (Valencia)

1st Prize in the youth category: Jorge Martín Allas, a student at Colegio Marista Nuestra Señora de la Fuencisla (Segovia).

The winning stamp in the general category is a watercolour which the artist describes as a change in social consciousness towards a positive, sustainable, possible future. A call for hope, for life which makes everything it touches change, and for a future without pollution and in harmony with the environment.

In the youth category, the 1st prize went to a felt-tip and coloured pencil drawing in a realistic style, showing the heart as the place where we live, and which although we do not see, we feel it and we have to protect it to survive. 

Both winners will have the satisfaction of seeing their respective designs in circulation, as Correos will produce and issue stamps bearing the winning designs in 2021. Also, like last year, the designer of the first prize in the general category will have the opportunity to design various philatelic items in 2021.

The 8th National Stamp Design Competition 2021 will soon be open, on the subject of “the people who take care of us”. Correos encourages participants to design stamps that express society’s thanks and homage to those who work every day to look after us, especially in crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.