Issue date: 22 Apr, 2021

Commemorative stamps. 100 years (1920-2020) Telecommunications Engineers


Commemorative stamps. 100 years (1920-2020) Telecommunications Engineers



In an age when telecommunications are progressing in giant leaps, and what was new yesterday is old-fashioned today, the qualification of Telecommunications Engineer is now 100 years old.

The first class to graduate as Telecommunications Engineers trained at the General Telegraphy School, founded in 1913.

A Royal Decree announced the need to create a new qualification involving the highest level of telecommunications study.

In 1866, the Telegraph School trained candidates to the Telegraph Corps.

After years of changes, in 1920, the School was reorganised to offer three different educational levels: basic, medium, and superior, this last being the direct ancestor of the Telecommunications Engineer qualification.

Telecommunications are present in every aspect of our lives. From industry to healthcare, from education to transport, a functional telecommunications network is essential for everyday life.

A recent example is the vital coverage provided by the sector in all of our lives during the COVID-19 pandemic: remote work, online classes, and video calls with the doctor are a few of the most obvious examples, but perhaps the most important has been the ability to stay in touch with family and friends during lockdown.

Correos’ stamp to mark this anniversary shows the logo created for the centenary, and the crest of the Telecommunications Engineers. The background is an illustration representing communication networks.

This centenary is special for Correos because our work is closely linked to this discipline, not least because the Telecommunications Engineers of today can be said to have begun with the telegraph workers of yesteryear.