Issue date: 01 Feb, 2021

Commemorative stamps. 80th Anniversary of RENFE


Commemorative stamps. 80th Anniversary of RENFE



2021 marks 80 years since the creation of RENFE.

The main aim of the Railways Act of 24 January 1941 was to nationalise Spain’s private rail companies.

The early 50s saw one of the greatest railway innovations of the period, the creation  of the Talgo train, which first ran on the Madrid-Hendaya line.

Over the years, more and more kilometres of railway line appeared in Spain, and trains continued to improve as the technology developed.

Another important moment in the history of communications in Spain was the arrival of the high-speed train or AVE.

In 1988 the government approved the construction of a high-speed line between Madrid and Seville, the most important challenge yet in Spanish railway history.

The challenge began with a deadline, the 1992 Universal Exposition to be held in Seville. That was the date of the first journey on a high-speed train in Spain.

One of these trains is featured on the stamp with which Correos celebrates this milestone. These 80 years of history are closely related to Spain’s Post Office, as the railways have historically advanced in parallel with Correos and the development of communications in Spain and in the world.

The stamp features a cut-out around the nose of the engine, as if it wanted to speed off the surface at 310 kilometres per hour, and is glazed to suggest the metallic finish of trains.

A stylised number 80 entwined with the RENFE logo completes a stamp in homage to one of Spain’s most iconic companies, which almost all Spaniards have used at some point, whether local or long distance.