Issue date: 19 Mar, 2021

World Heritage 2021. Historic City of Toledo


World Heritage 2021. Historic City of Toledo



Every year Correos issues a stamp celebrating a World Heritage Site, which this year is the Historic City of Toledo, a UNESCO World Heritage City.

Toledo, the city of three cultures, attests to the different civilisations which have risen and fallen in Spain and left their mark on the pattern of its streets and squares.

Roman city, Visigothic capital, part of the Caliphate of Cordoba, a centre of the Christian Reconquest, and home to the court of Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor.

A stroll through its streets is a trip back in time to a past rich in art, culture, customs and religions.

In the historic city centre we can discover reminders of those three cultures that were so important to Toledo: Jewish, Islamic, and Christian.

The landmarks of Christian Toledo include the Alcázar, the Cathedral of Santa María, churches, convents, and monasteries like San Juan de los Reyes. Its Arab past left the narrow winding streets themselves, and mosques like Cristo de la Luz, in brick and stone with interlaced arches and wooden ceilings. The Jewish presence can be seen in the synagogues of El Tránsito and Santa María la Blanca.

The city also attracted great artists known around the world, most famously Domenikos Theotokopoulos, El Greco, who lived in Toledo from 1577 until his death and is now one of the emblems of the city.

The stamp, framed by a beautiful engraving, is in the shape of a two-euro coin. 

The front of the coin depicted in the stamp shows an image of the Puerta del Sol, a 14th-century Mudéjar building, next to a detail of the wall decoration in the Prayer Room of the Samuel Leví Synagogue, now the Sephardic Museum, in Toledo’s Jewish quarter.