Issue date: 18 Jan, 2021

Tourism. Wine tourism


Tourism. Wine tourism



Each year, Correos issues two stamps on tourism in Spain. 2020 was especially tough for the tourism industry due to the lockdowns and quarantines caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The crisis may have been worse for tourism than any other sector.

Until the emergence of the virus, tourism represented 15% of Spain’s GDP.

But if Spain can be proud of anything it’s our tourism resources, making this country a favourite holiday destination for people from all over the world.

And so this year Correos has continued its tradition, issuing two stamps highlighting two exceptional types of Spanish tourism.

On one hand, spa tourism. People have been soaking in hot springs since at least 2,000 years ago, when the Romans sought out waters that could heal illnesses and enhance well-being and beauty. Spain has over 100 spa resorts.

The stamp celebrating spas features an image that conveys the quiet serenity of these places. Fragrance, water and soft textures are represented in this still life of Marseilles soap, lavender, jets of water and cotton towels.

Wine tourism has become a major attraction for holidaymakers from Spain and abroad. Spanish wineries have renewed their image, offering accommodation, guided tours behind the scenes, and tastings of the country’s best wines. We should not forget that Spanish wines are among the best in the world. 

This stamp is an excellent representation of a wine tourism experience: the extensive vineyards, grapes, vine leaves, and wine being poured from a bottle to a glass.

This year, more than ever, Correos is supporting Spanish tourism.